“Sahi Nivesh Zaroori Hai”

A Financial Awareness Initiative

“Sahi Nivesh Zaroori Hai”

A Financial Awareness Initiative



Wealth Management

As a trusted Family Financial Friend, our focus is on helping you protect, preserve and grow your wealth.

Through our research process we are able to build an optimized portfolio that matches with your goals, time horizon, return objective and risk appetite.

As an Independent Wealth Management Firm, we our able to source the best investment ideas for our investors. We create innovative solutions that reduce your portfolio cost and provides an execution platform for all Wealth Management Services.

Wealth Management-Credence Investments

Insurance Planning / Protection

An insurance review is a process that can go a long way to protect you and your assets from unforeseen contingencies. Insurance is the foundation of our Financial Plan.

The pandemic has driven a sudden realisation around the significance of protective investments specially when it comes to health and life security. If you do not have proper insurance, your savings will get drained out or you may have to take costly loans which can have an overall impact on your financial health.

At Credence Investments we analyse the following:


Retirement Planning

We believe your wealth is an enabler for a more fulfilling life. An active and long retirement requires appropriate financial resources. Our retirement planning process will help you estimate the following:

At Credence Investments we devise a financial plan based on the above mentioned needs and monitor the same at regular intervals.


Tax Planning

At Credence Investments we help you become more tax efficient and assist you to optimize tax structures across multiple jurisdictions. We maintain and update your tax bookkeeping system periodically. We advise our clients to plan their investments in a way that the post-tax yield is optimized keeping in view the basic parameters of safety and liquidity.


Lending Solutions

We assist to restructure your debt and optimize your capital. We Facilitate all types of business and individual loans, including credit facilities. At Credence Investments we take care of end-to-end solution from giving the best advice to executing it.


Succession / Estate Planning

We help our clients develop an effective wealth transfer plan; so that the current and future generations may benefit from the continuity. In coordination with tax inheritance and estate law experts, we can establish and administer estate planning and succession structures for families.